Decisions, decisions… before baby is born.

There are a few important things you will need to consider before baby is born, or soon afterwards. Welcome to parenthood and the long, long road of making decisions on behalf of your child! During your antenatal visits you are likely to be asked about your preferences for labour and birth. A commonly overlooked part Read more

31 May 2021| no comments.

Survival tips for brand new parents

The baby’s born and we’re going home – now what? All new parents walk out of the hospital with their newborn feeling a mix of delight and anticipation about what lies ahead of them.  Every one of them hopes to do everything right, but knows they are bound to feel uncertain about what is going Read more

18 Mar 2021| no comments.

Survival Tips for New Parents

All new parents want to do everything right, but of course no one can. Here is a guide to assist the steep learning curve of the first few weeks at home with a new baby.

12 Dec 2018| no comments.

Flying with a baby can be a tough gig. Here’s 5 top survival tips

 I think most people have experienced the stress of having a crying baby on board during a flight.  Here are New Baby 101’s tips for parents travelling with bubs which may avoid a miserable flight for everyone. Flying with a baby can be a challenging experience, especially if baby becomes upset by the loud noises Read more

11 Dec 2018| no comments.

Unravelling the tongue-tie information tangle.

Many parents have encountered conflicting information and advice on the topic of infant tongue tie, particularly in relation to breastfeeding.  While some health practitioners regard the presence of a visible frenulum under a baby’s tongue as unimportant, others identify it as a potential cause of a myriad of present and future physical problems. Evidence confirms Read more

28 May 2018| no comments.

The truth about “Lip Tie”

Many parents become concerned about the structure of their baby’s upper lip, its impact on breastfeeding and baby having a gap between the front teeth (diastema) when older. Worry no more – here’s the good news!

09 Jan 2018| 4 comments.

The facts about skin to skin

I had the privilege of presenting the WaterWipes video "Pure Love" about the wonders of skin to skin contact to a group of media representatives in Sydney. I discussed the science and biology of mother/baby chemistry during skin to skin contact by sharing the following words from Dr Nils Bergman (who works closely with Dr Read more

07 Sep 2017| no comments.

All about blocked ducts and its progression to mastitis

The pain and fatigue associated with blocked ducts and mastitis can often lead to mothers feeling they can’t continue breastfeeding.  Knowing how to identify blocked ducts and treat them promptly and effectively, can avoid the problem progressing to mastitis. WHAT DO BREASTFEEDING MOTHERS NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BLOCKED DUCTS AND MASTITIS?  No one knows the Read more

31 May 2017| no comments.

The Tongue Tie Phenomenon – What’s it all about?

Everyone's tongues are wagging about "ties"... at least that's how it seems to many parents of babies and young children.  "Ties" are being blamed for breastfeeding problems, sleep problems, digestion problems, wind, reflux, babies crying in car seats, as well as potential future problems with speech, and obstructive airway symptoms such as snoring.  Social media, Read more

23 May 2017| no comments.

Babies Sleep a lot. Don’t they?

Babies Sleep A Lot. Don’t They? Well, yes they do – but because babies also feed a lot, usually every couple of hours, around the clock, the periods that they are actually asleep are usually quite short, around an hour or two, and then they wake and need to feed again. This is NORMAL and Read more

10 May 2017| no comments.