Flying with a baby can be a tough gig. Here’s 5 top survival tips

I think most people have experienced the stress of having a crying baby on board during a flight.  The unfortunate mother in the following story did not receive the sympathy or support she really needed. Read New Baby 101's tips for parents travelling with bubs which may avoid a miserable flight for everyone. Flying with Read more

04 Jan 2017| no comments.

Why does my baby want to sleep being held?

Almost every day I am asked by a parent of a newborn "why does our baby want to be held to go to sleep? He just won't go to sleep in the bassinet".  I explain - being held close reassures baby because his brain is "hardwired" to respond to this position as a "safe" place. Read more

15 Dec 2016| no comments.

Skin to Skin – more than a “warm and fuzzy” feeling!

Most expectant mothers have probably heard about “The Golden Hour” after baby is born.  Ideally, the mother and her newborn are enabled to share this intimate time of discovery without interruption or interference from anyone, for at least one hour. Their skin to skin contact stabilises baby’s heartrate, breathing and temperature, and baby proceeds to Read more

13 Dec 2016| no comments.

Confused about infant tongue-ties? Here are the scientific facts from the expert.

Infant tongue-tie and its diagnosis and treatment has become a phenomenon which has captured the attention of parents, especially breastfeeding mothers, worldwide. Proponents of invasive surgical treatments - health professionals and lay people/parents - who regard themselves as experts on this topic have driven the tongue-tie bandwagon which has been gathering speed and sweeping the Read more

22 Nov 2016| no comments.

New Baby 101 “is just brilliant!”

New Baby 101 was reviewed in Australian Midwifery News Spring Edition and the opening remark says it all - "Finally! The long awaited manual, and it does not disappoint. "New Baby 101 - A Midwife's Guide for New Parents" by Lois Wattis is just brilliant. ...It provides a calm and common-sense approach to the first Read more

08 Nov 2016| no comments.

New Baby 101 recommended by International Childbirth Educators

The International Journal of Childbirth Education reviewed "New Baby 101 - A Midwife's Guide for New Parents" in the October 2016 edition, and were full of praise - "It is organised, easy to read, researched, and evidence based"....I recommend that childbirth educators read New Baby 101... I further recommend that women who plan to become Read more

08 Nov 2016| no comments.

New Mum’s Feedback about New Baby 101

Hannah McEwan is a News Personality whose beautiful pregnancy was shared with viewers as she grew her baby.  Towards the end of her pregnancy she sent this message – ” Hi Lois, Thanks so much for your wonderful book! It has already been so helpful! There is so much to learn! You explain everything very Read more

15 Jul 2016| no comments.

Tongue Tie Discussion on ABC Radio 90.3

Want to know more about tongue-ties and breastfeeding? Here is an interview I did for ABC Radio 90.3 explaining about classic and posterior tongue ties in the hope of clearing up some of the confusion among parents and health practitioners.

08 Apr 2016| no comments.

The Tongue-Tie Phenomenon – “Fad” or Fact?

The important thing to clarify in the TONGUE-TIE  discussion is the difference between classic tongue-tie and posterior tongue-tie and it's common associate - upper lip tie. Putting these two very different versions of tongue-tie under one heading complicates the story. A classic tongue-tie which is easily seen and can be assessed regarding the degree which it impacts on tongue mobility, or not, Read more

06 Apr 2016| 4 comments.

Breastfeeding – What to expect (Part 2)

Breastfeeds are likely to occur in several phases or instalments to achieve ‘satiety’ – baby feeling satisfied. When a mother’s milk first ‘comes in’ baby may be full and satisfied in one session or phase at the breast as his stomach capacity has to stretch to accommodate the bigger volume of milk taken during the Read more

05 Apr 2016| no comments.